MTU Sports Seminar Series Back to events list

Date: October 16th, 2024 at 19:00 to March 12th, 2025 at 20:00
Price:Seminar Series Bundle - Adult €50.0
Price:Seminar Series Bundle - Student €40.0
Price:Evan Lynch - Adult €10.0
Price:Evan Lynch - Student €8.0
Price:Jessie Barr - Adult €10.0
Price:Jessie Barr - Student €8.0
Price:Eoin Everard - Adult €10.0
Price:Eoin Everard - Student €8.0
Price:Ed Coughlan - Adult €10.0
Price:Ed Coughlan - Student €8.0
Price:Joe O'Connor - Adult €10.0
Price:Joe O'Connor - Student €8.0
Price:Hayley Harrison - Adult €10.0
Price:Hayley Harrison - Student €8.0
Venue: Munster Technological University, Bishopstown Campus

Munster Technological University, supported by MTU Lions Athletic Club and Cork Sports Partnership, present an exciting guest speaker seminar series.

The seminar series aims to learn some key lessons from high performance sport that all levels of sport can learn from. The 6 expert speakers will share their lessons from high performance sport through 6 key topics relevant to all levels of sport and life. Limited tickets available. 

  • October 16th: Sports Nutrition for Athletes 101 by Evan Lynch
  • November 13th: Mental Health in Sport by Jessie Barr
  • December 4th: Training & Injury Prevention Tips by Eoin Everard
  • January 15th: Developing World Class Training Environments by Ed Coughlan
  • February 12th: Implementing Real World S&C by Joe O'Connor
  • March 12th: Planning Training and the Coach Athlete Relationship by Hayley Harrison

If you have any questions, please contact Craig Harrington at 086 770 0588 or 


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